SelatosomusStephens, 1830 is a Holarctic genus and usually treated into four subgenera classification as follows: Selatosomus s. str. (71 spp.), Hadromorphus (4 spp.), Selatapteria (2 spp.), and Eanoides (2 sp.) (Schimmel et al., 2015;2016). In Korea, four species belonging to Selatosomus s. str. have been recognized until now (Schimmel and Han, 2013). We discovered a new species S. (S.) jejuensis sp. nov. from Jeju island in Korea. Therefore, we describe this new species and also provide key to species and diagnostic characters to compare with the related species.
Materials and Methods
A total of 14 type specimens of the new species were examined in this study. The holotye specimen was preserved in the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBR, Sangju, Korea) and the other types stored in the insect museum of Korea National Park Research Institute (KNPRI). The authors observed these materials using a stereoscopic microscope (Leica S8APO; Leica, Solms, Germany) to study general morphological structures. To take photographs, Canon D 30 and 14.2 color mosaic digital camera system are used.
Key to species of genus Selatosomus (s. str.) in Korea
1. Elytra with distinct transverse wrinkles (Fig. 1A-B) ····· ················ Selatosomus (s. str.) gloriosus (Kishii, 1955)
– Elytra normal, without wrinkle ··································· 2
2. Vestitures dense; posterior propleural angles long, narrow, distinctly directed outwardly and obliquely truncated at apex ············································································· 3
–Vestitures spare; posterior propleural angles relatively short, stout, slightly directed outwardly and bluntly truncated at apex (Fig. 1C-D) ········································
················· Selatosomus (s. str.) coreanus (Miwa, 1928)
3. Body color monochromatic in dorsal view ·················· 4
– Body color dichromatic in dorsal view, head and pronotum copper luster tinted, elytra green luster (Fig. 2C-D) ·········································································· ··· Selatosomus (s. str.) jejuensis Han and Park sp. nov.
4. Body tinted copper luster wholly, legs reddish-brown; prosternal process emarginated at 2/3 posterior part (Fig. 2G) ··············································································· Selatosomus (s. str.) koryeoensisSchimmel and Han, 2013
– Body entirely blackish with a bronzed luster wholly, legs blackish-brown; prosternal process elongated, not emarginated at apex ····················································· ················· Selatosomus (s. str.) grandicusPlatia, 2008
Taxonomic accounts
Family Elateridae Leach, 1815 방아벌레과
Subfamily Denticollinae Stein and Weise, 1877 주홍방아벌 레아과
Tribe Selatosomini Schimmel, Tarnawski, Han and Platia, 2015 청동방아벌레족(신칭)
Genus SelatosomusStephens, 1830 청동방아벌레속
Selatosomus (Selatosomus) jejuensis Han and Park sp. nov. 제주청동방아벌레(신칭)
(Fig. 2C, D, F, H, J; Fig. 3E)
Description: Body length 14.0–16.5 mm, width 4.8–5.7 mm (holotype 16.0 mm, 5.1 mm, Fig. 2C). Body stout, elliptical, convex; head and pronotum blackish copper lustrous, elytra dark purple or green sheen depending on the viewing angles; legs blackish reddish brown, antennae dark brown. Pubescence silver sheen, moderately long, recumbent, rather dense. Head. A little depressed at anterior part, 1.28 times as wide as long; frontal carina well developed at base and gradually vanishing toward middle; frontal furrow indistinct. Mandibles bidentate, blunted at apex. Punctures distinct, large, dense. Antennae (Fig. 2F) rather short, reaching to base of pronotal hind angles, relative length ratio of 2nd to 5th as 1: 2.3: 2.3: 1.3; 2nd (0.275/0.2125 mm L/W) obconic, small; 3rd (0.575/0.238 mm L/W) elongated triangular, not serrated; 4th (0.575/0.28 mm L/W) clearly serrated, 5th (0.325/0.35 mm L/W) distinctly shorter each 3rd and 4th respectively; 5th to 10th subequal; 11th (0.425/0.238 mm L/W) 1. 78 times as long as wide, apico-lateral margin sinuate inwardly. Thorax. Pronotum (3.60/4.05 mm L/W) moderately convex above, a little wider than length, broadest in middle; lateral margins weakly convergent anteriorly; pronotal disc with distinct large punctures and unclear median longitudinal smooth line. Pronotal hind angles (Fig. 2J) rather stout at base, weakly bent lateral outwardly and gradually narrowing and tapering to apex, with unicarination reaching at base. Prosternum convex moderately; anterior margin well expanded, rounded and with distinct large punctures; prosternal process straightly extended between procoxal cavity, ventral surface smooth, without puncture, then tinged strong black sheen, posterior apex obtusely pointed, not truncated in lateral view (Fig. 2H). Scutellum (0.70/0.675 mm L/W) tongue shaped; anterior margin truncated, lateral margins paralleled, posterior margin rounded; surface flat and with small depression at median posterior portion. Eytra (9.8/5.1 mm L/W). 1.92 times as long as wide, widest behind middle, well convex above; striae distinct neither anterior nor posterior margin; intervals weakly convex above and gradually flattened posteriorly; punctures minute, dense. Femoral plates of hind legs gradually narrowed from half-length and slenderly pointed terminally. Male genitalia. Median lobe stout at base, from half-length parallel sided and roundly pointed at apex; parameres shorter than median lobe, slightly narrowing toward apex and forming hook liked expansion as in Fig. 3E.
Female (Fig. 2D). Body length 18.0 mm and width 6.3 mm; almost morphological character states as habitus, punctuation, pubescence and color very similar to male; only antennal length shorter than male, reaching before base of pronotal hind angles.
Type materials. Holotype [NNIBR]: 1 ♂, Seongpanak, Gyoraeri, Jocheon, Bukjeju-gun, Jeju-do Is. Korea. 27. IV. 2003, A. Y. Kim. Paratypes [KNPRI]: 1♂, same data as holotype; 1♀, Mt. Hallasan from Seongpanak to 1,950 m peak, Jocheon, Bukjeju-gun, Jeju-do Is., 26. VI. 2003. D. S. Choi, O. Y. Lim and H. S. Lee.; 2♂♂, Mt. Hallasan from Eorimok Sanjang to Wisse-oreum (1,700 m), Aewol, Bukjeju-gun, Jeju-do Is., Korea. 3. V. 2003. D. S. Choi, O. Y. Lim and H. S. Lee; 1 ♂, Donnaeko, Jejudo Is. 25. V. 1995. Jung Uk Kim; 3♂♂, Mt. Hallasan, Jeju-do Is. 8. V. 1989. Y. J. Kwon.; 2♂♂, 2♀♀, Yeongsil, Hawon-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do 4. VI. 2000. Se Ho Jeong; 1 ♂, Donnaeko, Jeju-do Is., 12. VII. 2012. Sangwook Park, DNA 3306.
Larva. Unknown.
Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from its locality, Jeju Island, Korea.
Distribution. Korea (Jeju Is.)