Ethical Guidelines
For information on ethical guideline for KJAE see below.
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, 'Guidelines on good publication (' can be applied.
Guidelines on the Research Ethics of the Korean Society of Applied Entomology
(Established on October 5th, 2007, Amendment to March 5th, 2020)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose) These guidelines aims to secure research ethics of the Korean Society of Applied Entomology (hereinafter referred to as 'Society'), to prevent research misconduct and to provide a fair standard to ascertain the truth when research misconduct occurs.
Article 2 (Applicable Object) These guidelines are applicable to the all members of the Society.
Article 3 (Applicable Date) These guidelines are applicable from the day when it is enacted and declared by the Society.
Article 4 (Applicable Scope) These guidelines must be followed except in some cases that is subject to other special regulations regarding research ethics and honesty of certain research areas. When there are specific reasons for not implementing these guidelines, the extended application might be possible.
Chapter 2 Honesty & Social Responsibility of the Research
Article 5 (Honesty of the Research)
① The researcher must conduct all the research activities (research conduct, reports and presentations of research results) in an honest and sincere way.
② The researcher must describe the research contents and its importance in an objective and specific way, and must not change, omit, or add the research results according to do as one pleases.
③ The researcher must conduct all the research activities without prejudice and prejudgment.
Article 6 (Duty on Release of Information)
① All the research information must be reported accurately, and must be recorded, processed, and preserved in a clear way for easy identification.
② If necessary, the researcher must release the experimental design and statistics technique used.
Article 7 (Social Contribution on the Research Results)
① The researcher must do his/her best to increase the social benefits through researches and tries to meet the standard of public interests, and must take responsibility as an expert by recognizing the influence of the research results in the society.
② When publishes and utilizes the research results, the researcher must not do anything against academic principles such as distorting or overstating the research results for consideration from the outside reputation.
Article 8 (Social Responsibility)
① The researcher must respect the intellectual property rights such as patent and copyright and must follow other research related regulations.
② The researcher must take responsibility of respecting humanitarian life reverence on organism that has been used in the process of research.
Chapter 3 Fairness on Research Responsibility and its Authority
Article 9 (Joint Research) The Collaborators must clarify the roles and mutual relationships in the conduct of the joint research, and must take the responsibility accordingly. Also, during the research project inception, the collaborators must further discuss and reach consensus regarding the goals and the expected results of the joint research, the expected contributions of the individuals who are involved in the project, the method of collecting, storing and sharing of data, authorship determination, how authorship order must be decided upon, selection of the principal researcher, and the issues on intellectual property rights, and ownership.
Article 10 (Responsibility of the Author)
①The Corresponding Author or Principal Author takes the overall responsibility on data and authorship credit of paper, and generally manage and oversee the collaborator's researches.
② Author must accurately reflect the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their relative status when the universities or other institutions require the verification of the percentage of the contribution.
Article 11 (Corresponding Author)
① The Corresponding Author is solely responsible in communicating the journal results and in managing the communication between co-authors.
② The Corresponding Author is responsible for the accuracy of all content in the proof, in particular that names of co-authors are present and correctly spelled or ordered.
Article 12 (Standard for Determining the Authorship)
① The author will be determined according to the extent of contributions on research contents or results. In order to be credited as an author, each and every author on a publication needs to have been involved in the following:
1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
② For those who have no contribution on the research process or results, they are not qualified for authorship credit of expressing thanks or granting the privilege of the certain posts. Minor contributions to the research or to the writing for publication including data collection, data input, or translation into other languages, are appropriately acknowledged, such as in footnotes or in an introductory statement.
Article 13 (Deciding Authorship Order) Authorship orders should be decided upon mutually after consideration of each author's perspective and review of each author's contributions.
Article 14 (Indication of Authorship Affiliation) When indicating authorship affiliation, the author's current status in principal should be given. Only if in the area where other practices are acceptable, the author may follow the said practices.
Article 15 (Ownership of Research Data and its Related Output) The Head of the Research must clarify the intellectual property rights used or produced in the process from the initial stage of the research.
Article 16 (Ownership of Research Results regarding the Society's Work) The research data for the work of the Society and made by a member of the Society, with no doubt, must be the property of the Society. Therefore, the research results will not be used nor handed to other individuals or institutions without the permission of the Society.
Article 17 (Sharing and Releasing of Research Result) The Head of the Research may provide data or samples of the research journal being presented when there is reasonable demand from other researchers under the researcher's own risk.
Chapter 4 Principles and Methods regarding Copyrighted Works Citation
Article 18 (Methods and Principles of Citation)
① The author may cite part of a copyrighted work in his work, using methods such as citation and comments, while following the predefined principles.
② It is mandatory for the author to confirm all constituents (author's name, published year) related to citation and not depending on the secondary sources but solely on the original work. However, when unavoidable, re-referencing maybe done by acknowledgment.
③ It is mandatory for the author to cite in a reasonable manner, so that the distinction between cited/not cited works is evident.
④ The author must cite only the published works in principal, but there is a need to cite unpublished academic materials which has been acquired through personal contact including paper review, but the consent of the relevant researcher is mandatory.
⑤ It is mandatory for the author to clearly state the sources of the materials when the published theories or ideas have been introduced.
⑥ It is mandatory for the author to distinguish which is his/her idea or cited materials for the readers to clearly recognize when borrowing substantive parts from one source.
⑦ It is mandatory for the author to include as many works as possible which had an important effect on the research and should help the reader understand its contents.
⑧ The author must not describe that the initial/preliminary data in the abstract or academic presentation as published academic journal on the list of references.
Article 19 (Method of General Knowledge Citation) When using the ideas of others or any information and facts provided, the author must indicate the source of the information, however, if it is a general information and knowledge or recognized material by the readers, the author do not have to do so.
Chapter 5 Forms of Research Misconduct and Unethical Research Conduct
Article 20 (Definition of Research Misconduct) "Research Misconduct" refers to the fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, improper author marks, and duplication of publication in the whole process of research (research proposal, research conduct, report and presentation of the research result, and research review and evaluation.
1. "Fabrication" is making up data or results which do not exist.
2. "Falsification" is "manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record."("Omitting", refers to an act of using favorable data, by excluding the data which are impediment to the expected research results.)
3. "Plagiarism" is "the appropriation of another person's writing, research ideas, hypothesis, theories, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit to the originator of the words and ideas."
4. "Improper author marks" is a process of not giving the proper credit to the original author without any justified reason and or giving the credit for those who has not contributed to a journal.
5. "Duplicate publication" refers to the re-publishing of the author's previously published material or results in the other academic paper without acknowledgement of the source to the publisher or readers.
Article 21 (Ideas Plagiarism)
① "Ideas Plagiarism" is the use of someone else's ideas(theories, conclusions, hypothesis) in full, substantial proportion or fragmented revised form without giving appropriate credit to the originator of the words and ideas.
② Authors have moral responsibility for indicating the source of ideas through a footnote or a reference.
③ Authors must not steal the other's ideas which are known through peer review on research proposals and submitted articles.
Article 22 (Fragmented Plagiarism) "Fragmented Plagiarism" is copying some parts of other people's manuscript without proper acknowledgement of the author.
Article 23 (Plagiarism in Section) "Plagiarism in section" is using some parts of other author's manuscript by combing, inserting additional word, and substituting word without acknowledging the original author of the source.
Article 24 (Duplication of Publication)
① If previously published by the current author appear in a subsequent work by the same author and the significant verbatim or near-verbatim portions of his/her own work, or to depict his/her previously published results as new, it is considered as duplicate publication.
② In case of a duplication of publication wherein the other readers could not recognize the journal already published, the editors of the two journals must agree on the duplicate publication, and the author must acknowledge that the same paper are published to another journal. This applies to the case when the publication is translated into other form of languages.
③Simultaneous submission of publication to another publisher's journal is prohibited. If rejected, from one publisher's journal, it is only then that the author can publish to the other journal in principal.
Article 25 (Precautions on Research Misconduct and Copyright Infringement)
①Generally, all journals published in academic paper, the full term of copyright is assigned to the academic paper publisher. Therefore, the author should be cautious on the infringement of copyright when re-publish or re-use the already published journal in any other form.
② Be cautious on the infringement of copyright even if the quotation marks are properly used in case of citing substantial portion of manuscript from the copyright protected resource.
Article 26 (Unethical Research Practices in Review Process)
① The referee must not use the specific information contained in the research proposal or review process without the consent of the original author either direct and indirect related research.
② The following must be considered as unethical research practices in the review process, so the referee must be restrained from doing so:
1. To hand over the requested journal to students or the third person;
2. To discuss the research proposal or journal with others while the proposal is still under review;
3. To obtain a copy of the requested material without sending back or shredding after the review;
4. To steal the original author's idea directly or indirectly during the process of the review of research proposals; and
5. To review and evaluate the research proposal without enough or critical reading
Article 27 (Unethical Research Practices) The following should be considered as unethical research practices:
1. Not to inform intentionally the joint inventor for a patent and application;
2. To make a presentation on conferences or seminars without acknowledging the joint research author;
3. To overstate or alter the expected results of the research proposals for the benefit of receiving funds;
4. To convey disgrace statement or make a personal attack in the process of reviewing the requested material; and
5. To announce the research results through media without proper verification procedure.
Article 28 (Improper Writing) The following are considered as improper writings:
1. Improper source citation;
2. Alteration on references;
3. Dependent on the published paper including abstract citation;
4. Journal citation which were not read or understood;
5. Unacknowlegement of the resource by borrowing from one source;
6. Reuse the text or the material; and
7. Multiplication of the publish research results into two parts
Article 29 (Prohibition on the Distortion of Reference) ①Reference should include only directly related resources. The unrelated reference for the purpose of intentionally manipulating citation index of paper or academic journal should not be included.
② As a moral responsibility, the author should not only cite the references which will be favorable to his data or theory, but also the author has to cite the references which may contradict to his point of view.
Article 30 (Reuse of Text)
① "Reuse of text" refers to re-using some parts of the manuscript already published and written by the author.
② Text reuse is an act of contradicting the ethical writing, so the author must avoid re-using the text already published. In case of unavoidable text re-use, the author should not make copyright infringement by following standardized reference practices including the use of quotation mark or proper indication.
Article 31 (Other Improper Writing Misconduct) The following are considered as improper writing misconduct:
1. Non reporting or none informing of the important relevant evidences which contradict the author's data or point to the readers;
2. To cite defective research in the theory or statistic as a background of the proof of the research; and
3. To alter or intentionally describe unclearly the research method including the sample design in order not to reproduced the research results by the other researchers.
Chapter 6 Procedures on Research Misconduct and Unethical Research Conduct
Article 32 (Expulsion of the member) The member who has been breached as stated in Article 5 Forms of Research Misconduct and Unethical Research Conduct, could be expelled after the investigation of the Research Ethics Committee.
Chapter 7 Research Ethics Committee
Article 33 (Establishment) The Korean Society of Applied Entomology (KSAE) establishes the Research Ethics Committee (REC) to deliberate on the investigation and determine the measure of the misdemeanor which found in the articles of KSAE.
Article 34 (Functions) The REC shall deliberate on the counts as follows:
1. Whether the report of the misdemeanor has been received and whether the investigation has been conducted.
2. The count about the start of the investigation, the approval of the investigation result, and judgment or retrial.
3. The count about protection of the informant and the examinee.
4. The count about measures according to the results of the misdemeanor investigation and any follow-up measures.
5. The general count about any other operations of the REC.
Article 35 (Composition)
1. The REC members shall be appointed from among respected scholars according to their personalities and ethical standards.
2. The REC will be composed of 5 members or so from among the major board members.
3. The REC members shall be appointed by the president of KSAE, and the office term in which they can remain in office shall be 2 years.
Article 36 (Committee Chair)
1. The REC chair will be appointed by the vote of the REC members, and shall represent the committee and preside over the committee meetings.
2. In case the REC chair cannot perform his or her duties due to unavoidable business, the other committee members will execute the duties for him or her.
Article 37 (Meeting)
1. The REC chair shall call for meetings and be designated the president.
2. Decisions of the meeting shall be made by more than half of the registered committee members and approval by more than two-thirds of the committee members present.
3. In case the deliberation agenda is judged as a slight agenda, the chair is allowed to replace the meeting with the deliberations in writing.
4. The meeting is closed in principle. However, if necessity is found, an interested person can attend and his/her opinions can be heard.
1. (Enactment) This regulation shall take effect on October 5th, 2007.
2. (Amendment) This regulation shall take effect on March 5th, 2020 (Article 12 was complemented; Chapter 10 was added).
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)

Frequency Quarterly
Doi Prefix 10.5656/KSAE
Year of Launching 1962
Publisher Korean Society of Applied Entomology

Online Submission
The Korean Society of Applied Entomology